We are currently rebuilding our inventory - Shipments will take longer than usual!

Our Progress


That's about all we can say. You have been so supportive of Earlywood! Thank you all so much for buying for yourselves and for your friends. We are more than blown away by your support, your sharing, and your repeat orders. We are starting to think that repeat orders are our specialty... and that is a great thing. It means you like what we're offering.

So, exactly how are we doing? In 2018 Earlywood:

- bought a new shop and dialed it in with all the tools we need to make more of what you like

- were able to give back to our community here by hiring our 7th full-time employee

- released 2 new products and about 5 new sets

- expanded to our business to Amazon so you can enjoy free 2-day shipping if you so desire.